I bambini senza istruzione

(standing at left) Syrian refugee and education activist Muzoon Almellehan meets students at the School of Peace at the Kousseri internally displaced peoples site in the Lake Region, Chad, Thursday 20 April 2017. More than 25 million children between 6 and 15 years old, or 22 per cent of children in that age group, are missing out on school in conflict zones across 22 countries. In response to the education crisis in Chad, UNICEF has since the start of 2017 provided school supplies to more than 58,000 students, distributed teaching materials to more than 760 teachers, and built 151 classrooms, 101 temporary learning spaces, 52 latrines and 7 sports fields. UNICEF Chad also supported the salaries of 327 teachers for the 2016-2017 school year. To help drive an increased understanding of the challenges children affected and uprooted by conflict face in accessing school, UNICEF advocate Muzoon Almellehan, a 19-year-old Syrian refugee and education activist, travelled to Chad, a country where nearly three times as many girls as boys of primary-age in conflict areas are missing out on education.

L’Unicef, fondo delle Nazioni Unite per l’infanzia che ha il mandato di tutelare e promuovere i diritte di bambine, bambini e adolescenti in tutto il mondo, nonché di contribuire al miglioramento delle loro condizioni di vita, lancia l’allarme: oltre 25 milioni di bambini tra i 6 e i 15 anni sono senza scuola e le percentuali più alte si registrano in Sudan, seguito dal Ciad e dall’Afghanistan. “In nessun momento l’istruzione è tanto importante quanto in periodi di conflitto.” ha dichiarato la Responsabile per l’istruzione dell’Unicef, J.Bourne, “ Senza l’istruzione come faranno i bambini a sviluppare a pieno il loro potenziale?”.

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